Regulate Your Cycle to Increase Reproductive Health & Fertility Success

A normal period may vary. In an ideal world, a woman would have a 28 cycle which would emulate the length of the moon orbiting the earth. But for most modern women, the healthy cycle can vary being being plus or minus 3 days.

Here’s what makes a cycle healthy:

You have at least 3 days of good healthy bleeding. You can see darker blood and bright red blood. The bright red is the estrogen phase (Follicular Stimulating Hormone) of the cycle. The dark blood is the progesterone (Luteinizing Hormone) part of the cycle.

A regular cycle may also mean you have little PMS. You don’t get tired or moody before your cycle. Also during the first couple of days, you don’t get cramps. Your period is consistent. If you don’t have a 28 day cycle, you get your period every 23 days to 32 days, and it’s consistent. Plus, you during ovulation you have wet stringy cervical fluid coming from you vagina to show healthy ovulation.

If your period is longer than 32 days, then you may not be producing enough estrogen. Your estrogen part of the cycle (FSH) is too long and the estrogen isn’t able to kick in. Herbs like Vitex are important to take to regulate the pituitary gland that helps to release the hormones into the body. I would also suggest Black Cohosh, an estrogenic herb to help regulate the long cycle.

If your period is too short, then progesterone isn’t being produced and I would also look at if there is any liver stagnation. I would also recommend Vitex which helps to regulate progesterone in the body along with dandelion as a liver herb.

In addition, if I am looking to help with your cycle to get pregnant, I would look at your diet. Are you eating too many cold foods? The womb doesn’t like the energy of cold when you looking to conceive.

Do you have lots of stress? A baby is more likely to conceive if you are in parasympathetic nervous system – the system of rest and digest.

I would also look at your self care rituals to help you come into balance and if you have an unhealed sexual shame or trauma being held in the womb.

This may seem like a lot to think about, but I am here to help you. I am trained as a Clinical Herbalist and used to see clients supervised under a Master Herbalist/Director at Berkeley Herbal Center. I have over 1000 hours in the class room, over 3,000 hours of study including my study of herbs, plus I am incorporate Feminine Tantra focusing on the women’s womb and sexuality. I have my own private clients who I help on a weekly basis.

If you have any questions about getting pregnant or you want to regulate your menstrual cycle, contact me at I look have sessions via zoom or in possibly in person if you live in Boulder County. I look forward to meeting you!

Antoinette Yarrow – Clinical Herbalist, Life Coach & Guide