3 Herbs to Help Heal Sexual Trauma

Here are the top 3 herbs I use:

1. Yarrow, is great for boundaries, helps heal wounds, and when you meditate with yarrow she will help you seal your boundaries from any sexual trauma or violence. When I worked with Yarrow for the first time, I meditated with her for 40 days. One day I took a Shamanic bath, and I poured yarrow water all over my body and I was intuitively guided to seal all my chakras. From then on, I no longer would see my sexual predator in my mind as he was in past during my sexual experiences. This was powerful!

2. Ocotillo is amazing for releasing trauma and shame out of the lower body, womb, hips and sexual organs. When I meditated with her as well, I felt the powerful release of sexual shame and trauma.

3. Rose, we need a nervine to help us heal sexual trauma. I like using rose because she helps with boundaries, she is a nervine, and she helps with healing my heart during this transformative time!

Our sexual energy is also connected to our power. So when we are violated, in a sense, they can take our power away. But we CAN heal from this! I know if I can, you can too.

If 2021 is the year for sexual healing and the time to take back your life, then join me for a 2 part workshop here.

  • Heal Your Sexual Trauma & Take Back Your Life
  • Connect to your body again & Feel your own pleasure
  • Feel safe in your own body and connect to your strength.

With love,

Antoinette Yarrow, Clinical Herbalist and Sexual Empowerment Guide

P.S. I do not diagnose or cure. I treat the whole person. This is for informational purposes only. If you use any herbs consult your clinical herbalist or doctor first to see if there are contraindications to your medications.