Herbs to Support Women’s Health + Spring Cleansing

Does your energy feel stuck from winter?

Are you feeling the fire of Spring, but still feeling your blocked in moving forward in life?

Springs herbs are here to support you!

Have you been outside lately? Do you notice any of the herbs or “weeds” growing outside?

When I walk outside, I see dandelion, cleavers, chickweed, horsetail and yarrow. These are your spring allies. They help release toxins from Winter, are highly nutritive to give you an abundance of energy and may aid in feeling joyful and happy.


Do you love dandelion? Who doesn’t?

Dandelion is here to support you in Spring detoxification because it’s a diuretic, helps remove excess water and toxins in the body, is anti inflammatory and a tonic herb. If you use the root, it supports cleansing of the liver. Dandelion is great for people who have a family history of high blood pressure as it helps support the removal of waste out of kidneys. Also, it does removed potassium out of the body, but also brings back the potassium. Last, dandelion supports anti-depression because of it’s yellow flowers. Amazing!

Usage: Use fresh leaves to juice of add to salad to experience benefits.


Have you seen Cleavers in your yard?

Cleavers is a wonderful cleansing herb. If you are feeling stagnant and low energy, Cleavers is your ally and highly nutritive.  Cleavers grows on hiking trails, in your yard and in empty lots. She is abundant and wants to support you in this new Spring energy. Be careful. Cleavers is hairy and a little stingy. So if you harvest, ask the plant first, make offerings and use clippers to harvest.

Usage: Use fresh plant and juice. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day for a mild Spring cleanse.


Have you been love stung by Nettles?

I have. My herbalist friends say if you haven’t been stung by Nettles, you haven’t experienced her love first hand. You might have seen her in moist, shady areas that get some sun. She has little stingers that can poke you if you brush up against her. Don’t fret. Just remove her stings. In nature, these stings are to protect her from animals and insects that may want to eat her. Other things nettles it good for it is anti-inflammatory, diuretic, highly nutritive, tonic and has antihistamine properties that will support you if you have allergies.

Usage:  Use 2 teaspoons of dried herbs in 16 ounces of cool water. Let sit overnight and drink through the day.

If you have any questions, please contact antoinetteyarrow.com/contact. I look forward to supporting you with more herbs for women.