Heal your sexual trauma, and claim your power back!

With the #metoo movement, studies have shown that up to 70% of women have experienced sexual trauma, sexual abuse and harassment.

In my experience as a medicine woman and women’s guide, sexual trauma takes away from your own power as a woman. The power center of a woman is her womb. When sexual trauma arises, a woman will be disconnected from her own body, her own empowerment, her own sexuality, her own creative life force. A woman may avoid being in her body and feel disconnected in life in general.

Here are some symptoms of sexual trauma:

Disconnection from the world. She may smoke weed, drink or do things to not feel her own pain.

Eating disorder. She may eat to avoid her own feelings and use food to cover up the shame she feels. She may even gain weight, so she can hide.

Workaholic. She may work a lot. She may work, work and work so she can try to get ahead in life, but when she tries to get involved with someone or gets close to her partner, the pain and trauma comes up for her strongly and she wants to run away again.

Anxiety and depression. When a woman feels violated, this will cause tremendous amounts of stress. She won’t feel safe, she will feel anxious and can go into deep depression. I experienced anxiety and depression from the sexual trauma I experienced.

From my personal experience, and working with clients who have experienced sexual trauma, on an energetic level, she leaves her body – she disconnects.  That’s the only way she can feel safe. Or she finds something that she can do to hide from the world. She also will become anxious and depressed.

What are some things she can do to heal her sexual trauma, and claim her power back:

Find support

There are different ways to receive support. For me personally, I had a trusted guide who supported me along my path to healing. Sexual trauma affects the physical, sexual, emotional, mental, spiritual and psychic bodies. Find someone who can help you on as many levels as possible. Talking about it is one thing, but releasing and transforming to gain your power back is another.

Use herbs to support the healing of sexual trauma

*Lymphatics can support the release of the stagnation in the womb

*Adaptogens can support your nervous system

*Hormonal support herbs can bring your hormones back to balance

*Nervines like Rose can promote self love, relax the nervous system, and create boundaries around your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Join a woman’s circle or support group

With the #metoo movement on the rise, look for a woman’s circle or a supportive group of friends to talk about your challenges. Be support for each other. I have found that circling with women has been a profound gift in my life. The unconditional love of women is powerful. If you can’t find a circle, start one. Meetup.com is a great way to create a women’s circle.

If you are looking for support, I can support you in person in Berkeley, California or I can support you via Zoom or Facetime. I have clients in different parts of the world and if there’s a will, there’s a way. https://antoinetteyarrow.com/contact/

I look forward to talking with you.

I am here for you!

With love,

Antoinette Yarrow, medicine woman and herbalist
