Herbs for Fertility Support – Boulder Colorado

Are you looking to get pregnant and you haven’t had any luck? Do you want a natural and holistic way to become pregnant?

Here are some herbs to support you on your fertility journey:

  1. Chaste Berry (Vitex Agnus) Vitex is an amazing hormonal regulator, supports menstrual cycle if period is too short or too long. It’s one of the only herbs that works with the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland controls the endocrine system which is in charge of the reproductive system. If your menstrual cycle is off, an herbalist will look to work with the pituitary gland.
  2. Don Quai (Angelica Sinensis) If you aren’t getting enough iron and you have low energy, you may need more blood. Don Quai will support you because it helps build blood and will also give you more iron. This is especially good if you don’t produce enough blood during your menstrual cycle.
  3. Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) Shatavari supports the reproductive system in a huge way by helping you to get moist and aroused by nourishing your reproductive organs. She also supports your libido and helps you get juicy and wet. She is also a hormonal regulator. Plus, she will help you produce milk. If you have fibroids or adhesions in your uterus, she is an amazing ally for you.

If you are interested in herbs to support fertility, it’s great to have your tongue checked and also have a full constitutional intake form. This will help you see where you may be deficient or excess. Herbs are either cooling or warming, drying or moistening. Not all herbs are good for each person, so it’s important to see a professional herbalist if you are needing support in your fertility journey. If you would like to book a complimentary 20 minute session via phone or zoom, please contact me here: https://antoinetteyarrow.com/contact/.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Antoinette Yarrow

Disclaimer – The information has not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is for informational purposes and is not a substitute for advice from a medical doctor. I am here to support the whole person and support wellness.