I have spent over 15 years learning from Master Teachers, who have led me

to the medicine woman, herbalist, and guide I am today.

Plant Medicine

There are two components to working with herbal medicines: one is simply receiving the healing qualities of the plant into your body. The other is essential but often overlooked: the process of cultivating a relationship with the plant and its spirit, to receive its medicine not only physically, but into all dimensions of your being.

When I introduce clients to the magical herbal world, I really emphasize the second component. It’s important to understand that this is not something that can happen overnight — like any relationship, it takes time to deepen and solidify. With my guidance, you’ll learn how to be in connect in deeper ways with plants and their spirits. Through our time together, you will start to receive insight directly from those plant allies, and when the sessions are over, you will have acquired a new way of relating to the world around you.

Even the most common herbs have powers far beyond their physical effects — rosemary can bring peace to ancestral wounds, while rose can calm anxiety and help to mend a broken heart. When you are able to connect to these plants on the spiritual level and ask them to be allies in your healing journey, they will support you in more ways than you ever thought possible. I have received over 800 hours of certification in Western Herbalism at Ohlone Herbal Center in Berkeley. I worked with Francisca Sabitinez who taught me a deeper understanding and connection with plants and their spirit.


Native Wisdom

Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo came into my life when I was most in need. Gleaned from years of success in spiritual leadership, peacemaking, and healing, Venerable Dhyani’s teachings guide one beyond the doors of perception to a place where spiraling wisdom expands into all aspects of life. Her books, videos, meditation tools and practices, music, and wisdom classes all support spiritual growth and profound healing. They teach practical ways of breaking through obstacles to happiness and good relationships in order to fulfill one’s life purpose and manifest peace and abundance.

After three years of Venerable’s online classes and visits during the Elders Gathering, Venerable Dhyani personally mentored me for a year and a half. The native teachings helped me deepen my ability as a medicine woman, with one of the biggest lessons I learned being that my thoughts, words and actions truly do create my reality. Through my education, I became extremely careful about what I speak about I speak and say about others. One of the other teachings I received from Venerable is about forgiveness — I regularly practice forgiveness, which opens up my heart to love, the fabric of the universe. Forgiveness allows me to be more gentle with myself and helps me to be more compassionate toward others. The process of being in my heart center was one that was very challenging, since it was something I had never previously learned. One of the most profound blessings from my time with Venerable was learning how to access my intuition in a deeper way — I used to give my power away and listen to others as my authority, but now I go back to my body, heart and mind to follow my intuition. I am able to fully discover the answers within, and then trust them. She also taught me to manifest — the key to manifestation is being clear, because when you are clear, you can manifest your heart’s desires, which in turn allows you to bless others and the world. Venerable taught me countless precious lessons, and my time with her has been life changing.


Tantric Mysticism

Feminine Tantra is not about sexual positions — it’s a philosophy, a somatic practice and a way of life to listen to your body wisdom and use your sexual energy to empower yourself to your highest potential.

For over 4 years of practicing Feminine Tantra, I would circle with the same women. As we started the practice, we would listen to our body’s wisdom and move from the place of our womb. If we felt any stuck energy, we would drop the question, “What needs to happen for you to move or become unstuck?” As I moved in my own body, the body’s innate wisdom would become clear. The stuck energy would have a message for me. We would also use this practice during own bleeding time – our menstrual cycle. As we listened to our bodies, messages of our own empowerment would become clear.

These practices would allow the integration of both the shadow and the light, and the father and mother energies in the universe. When you are able to heal your deep shadows, mother energy and father energy won’t be blocked. In fact, they will all come together at the heart center. With this joining of energies, your Kundalini*, or serpent energy, at the base of the spine will be able to run freely. When Kundalini starts to rise, your true power from within can be accessed and will connect you to the higher universal energies of love and compassion.

*Please note, Kundalini energy is very potent and takes years to be cultivated. With sexual healing, heart opening herbs and other foundational practices, Kundalini may wake up inside of you. This change may cause you to feel disoriented (sometimes lasting months), but it will allow you to experience a new level of awareness. Keep in mind that the goal isn’t to achieve Kundalini, but to find true empowerment.

Bodywork Certification and Spa Trainer

The first modality I learned as a healer was massage, and for over 10 years, I worked as a bodyworker, using Swedish, deep tissue, sports, Thai, reflexology, Reiki and acupressure massage techniques. I was a spa trainer at a high-end spa for three years, where I trained people in specific spa rituals and was able to create spa protocols using essential oils, scrubs, baths and more. What I took away most from my formal training in bodywork is self-care — self-care is vital because it’s time for you to deeply love yourself. I discovered ways to create different rituals of self-care, allowing my clients to transform things they may want to let go of, and then release them into the water. During my time with bodywork, I uncovered where people hold their stress and emotions, and how to use massage, pressure points and breathwork to release the trapped stress and emotions, and make room for the new.

PAX Programs

Your source for understanding men and women. PAX came into my life at the perfect time, when I was really struggling to understand men. Seeing my strife, my friend brought me to an introductory workshop called Understanding Men 101. After the workshop, I decided to sign up for the entire course series, which has helped me tremendously in understanding who I am in my relationship to men. Healing my relationship with masculine energy, recognizing how my feminine essence affects men and learning to not misuse my feminine power have all helped me tremendously in my relationship with my husband Isaac. These trainings have allowed me to clear away the blocks standing in the way of a juicy, thriving and playful relationship. I now see my husband as a true partner and ally. In allowing him to be a man and him allowing me to be a woman, we are able to be equals and complement each other. A relationship is a mirror, and through this work, he’s become a wonderful reflection of me — I feel blessed and humbled to have met this awesome man.